If your adjustment request gets declined, you will see a comment on why this happened including further instructions in your WebApp > Earnings > Previous Lessons when you click on the arrow to the right of the lesson.
When providing proof of the circumstances of the lesson, please make sure to cover all relevant details such as time, date and participants of the lesson. This can either be a screenshot of the GoClassroom including participants, time & date or a screenshot of a GoChat conversation that confirms definitively that the lesson transpired as described including time & date. We will not be able to accept any request that does not include complete evidence!
Ideal evidence for earnings adjustments
During lesson
GoClass screenshot showing participants, date & time
After lesson
GoChat screenshot confirming date & time
To rectify your declined adjustment request, go into your WebApp > Lesson Overview > Previous > hover over red dollar sign and click on ‘Submit new proof’. Please note that this is only possible before the deadline, the 3rd of the following month.