You have questions. We have answers.

End of Collaboration

We are sorry to hear that you wish to leave!

What do I do if I want to take a break/pause from tutoring (up to 3 months)?

If you want to take a break, please follow the below procedure, we will be happy to assist with pausing your account:

1. Remove all availability
It is very important that you remove all your available slots from your calendar so that no one books you in for a new lesson.


2. Inform students
Please inform your students in good time that you will no longer be available as their tutor and discuss if cover will be needed.


3. Encourage your students to search for a cover tutor
Encourage them to look for a replacement tutor via their Dashboard, student > tutor matching can easily be done independently in the Dashboard by clicking ‘Book tutoring’ and then ‘Request a new tutor’.


4. Complete the pause/resign form in your Dashboard
In the Dashboard under your profile section, you will find the ‘pause/resign’ tab, complete the form found here. Complete the form as close to your first day of pause as possible and advise us of your return date (within 3 months) your account will then automatically reactivate on this date.



What do I do if I want to stop tutoring with GoStudent?

We are sorry to hear that you wish to leave!  Please follow the below steps:

1. Remove all availability  
It is very important that you remove all your available slots from your calendar so that no one books you in for a new lesson.


2. Inform students

Please inform your students in good time that you will be leaving GoStudent and no longer be available as their tutor.


3. Encourage your student to look for a new tutor.

Say goodbye to your student and advise them they can choose a replacement tutor via their Dashboard. Student > Tutor matching can easily be done independently, on their Dashboard advise them to click ‘Book tutoring’ then ‘Request new tutor’.

4. Complete the online resignation form
This can be found in your Dashboard, in the profile section navigate to the ‘Pause or resign’ tab. Ensure all lessons and any remaining adjustments are completed prior to the ‘leaving date’ you submit on your form, after this date all students will be disconnected and you will no longer have access to your Dashboard.


5. Final Payment
Once the above steps have been completed, we will deactivate your account and expect to receive your final payment in line with the next payment cycle. 


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