You have questions. We have answers.


Find out which documents are required to start your journey as GoStudent tutor!

Background Check

Why do I need to submit my background check and valid ID?

The safety and well-being of both our students and our tutor community is something we deeply care about, it is our foremost priority and an integral part of our core values. Therefore, all tutors are required to present two documents: a valid ID and an official background check. The valid ID is required to verify your identity and cross-check with your background check.

If you have any further questions please contact


Where can I submit or resubmit my background check and valid ID?

You have received an email with the subject ‘You’ve been accepted'. Within this email, you will be able to find the link to upload both documents; your ID and your Enhanced DBS certificate or country equivalent. 

If you have any further questions please contact


What does a valid background check entail?

  • A valid background check is a document or database excerpt issued by a government authority that contains information about a person's past criminal convictions or the confirmation that there have been no convictions with respect to the person.
  • In order for us to process it, the document has to include personal identifying information (name, date of birth) as shown in your ID and may not be older than 12 months at the time of submission (date of issuance). 
    Please provide us with a background check issued by an authority of your country of residence.

    If you have any further questions please contact

Where can I get a background check from?

  • Step son how your background check can be applied for can be found here.
  • Tutors providing their services abroad may obtain their background check from the appropriate representative authority (embassy or consulate general).
  • If you have any further questions please contact

Will my personal information be stored safely and treated confidentially?

GoStudent treats your personal documentation strictly confidentially. Our data privacy policy can be found here   


Under which circumstances are background check expenses reimbursed?

We will reimburse background check expenses in instances where the check is obtained via our affiliated partner checks direct and applied for via GoStudent.

When will I be reimbursed?

You will be reimbursed after completing 3 sessions, because we want to ensure that active tutors are all fairly reimbursed. The reimbursement will be paid out with your payment for the month in which the conditions have been met.



Tax collection information

What data is required to be shared with EU tax authorities?

GoStudent is required to share the following platform user data with competent authorities:

Data to be shared by tutors with GoStudent for DAC7 reporting purposes (to be added to your tutor profile: Financial information → Tax information):

  • Country/Countries a user is tax resident in
  • Tax identification number (TIN or functional equivalent in absence of TIN) of every EU Member State the tutor is tax resident in 

In addition, if tutoring is provided as a business:

  • VAT identification number, if registered for value added purposes in any Member State
  • Business registration number

Please submit your tax information for all EU Member States that you are tax resident in.

Further platform user data shared by GoStudent with competent authorities:

  • First and last name
  • Primary address
  • Date and place of birth
  • Annual earnings made through our platform
  • Commission amount charged by the GoStudent platform for intermediation services
  • Financial Account Identifier (IBAN)
  • Name of the holder of the account into which the payment is made if it’s not the tutor’s own bank account

What will happen if I don’t provide my tax information?

If the relevant tax information is not provided within the given timeframe, GoStudent is required to implement specific measures: GoStudent may temporarily freeze your payouts and/or block tutors’ accounts so you will not be able to complete lessons via the GoStudent platform until your tax information has been submitted.

As soon as the required tax information is provided, payouts will be unfrozen and your account unblocked.


Is this a one time request, or is it an ongoing reporting obligation?

GoStudent is obliged to report tax information annually to the Austrian tax authorities. Your tax information for a given calendar year will be shared with the authorities in the following January (e.g. we will report this data for the first time in January 2024, for the calendar year 2023).


What is my VAT ID and how does it look?

You can find your country’s local term and the expected format based on OECD guidelines in the overview below:


Local term





AT + U + 8 digits



Belasting over de toegevoegde waarde/Taxe sur la valeur ajoutée

BE + 10 digits



Идентификационен номер по ДДС / Identifikacionen nomer po DDS

BG + 9 or 10 digits

BG123456789 / BG1234567890


Porez na dodanu vrijednost

HR + 11 digits



Αριθμός Εγγραφής Φ.Π.Α.

CY + 9 characters


Czech Republic

Daňové identifikační číslo

CZ + 8 or 9 or 10 digits

CZ12345678 / CZ123456789 / CZ1234567890



DK + 8 digits



Käibemaksukohustuslase number

EE + 9 digits




FI + 8 digits



Numéro d'Identification à la Taxe sur la Valeur Ajoutée

FR + 11 digits/characters

FR12345678901 / FRX1234567890  / FR1X123456789  /FRXX123456789



DE + 9 digits



Φόρος Προστιθέμενης Αξίας 

EL + 9 digits



Általános forgalmi adó 

HU + 8 digits



VAT identification number

IE + 8 or 9 digits/characters

1234567X or 1X23456X or 1234567XX


Identificativo fiscale ai fini IVA

IT + 11 digits



Pievienotās vertības nodoklis

LV + 11 digits



Pridėtinės vertės mokestis mokėtojo kodas

LT + 9 or 12 digits

LT123456789 / LT123456789012


Taxe sur la valeur ajoutée

LU + 8 digits



VAT identification number

MT + 8 digits



Belasting over toegevoegde waarde identificatienummer /  BTW-identificatienummer

NL +  12 characters 



Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej

PL + 10 digits



Imposto sobre Valor Acrescentado

PT + 9 digits



Codul numeric personal

RO + 2 to 10 digits



Identifikačné číslo pre DPH

SK + 10 digits



Identifikacijska številka za DDV

SI + 8 digits



Número de IVA

ES + 9 digits/characters

ESX12345678  / ES12345678X / ESX1234567X



SE + 12 digits



What is my business registration number?

A business registration number is obtained when you register your business, and in most cases, provided by a chamber of commerce or company registry (the country where your business is registered).

You are only required to submit your business registration number in case you have registered a business for your tutoring services.


What is DAC7 and what does it mean for me as a tutor?

DAC 7 is the EU directive on Administrative Cooperation in the field of taxation that aims to simplify tax cooperation between EU Member States. The directive requires digital platform operators like GoStudent to collect and report tax information of all individuals and business entities who provide tutoring services via the platform and are tax residents in the EU (first calendar year affected by DAC7: 2023; first filing obligation for GoStudent: January 31st, 2024).

DAC7 therefore applies to you as a tutor and GoStudent platform user if you receive income from providing tutoring services via the platform and you are a tax resident in one or more EU Member States. For the majority of cases, the country in which you are a “tax resident” for DAC7 purposes means the country in which you have your primary address.


How do I provide my tax information?

  1. Please navigate to your tutor profile in your Dashboard
  2. Open the submenu Financial information → Tax information
  3. You’ll be able to update/delete the tax information provided at any time 

Do I have to add all my tax residencies?

Please add tax information for all EU member states you are a tax resident in, in a given calendar year.


If my tax residency changes, will I be able to update my tax information in the profile?

Yes, you’ll be able to update/delete the tax information provided at any time. We recommend that you keep your tax information up to date, as the data will be submitted to competent authorities on a yearly basis.


How often can I change my tax information?

You can update your tax information as many times as needed.


What is the legal basis for collecting my data?

DAC7 (Council Directive (EU) 2021/514) places a legal obligation on GoStudent to share the data of platform users who are tax resident in an EU Member State and receive income from providing tutoring services via the platform.

GoStudent therefore needs to collect your data in order to allow us to comply with our legal obligations under DAC7. Please be assured that as we fulfil these legal obligations, we take the utmost care to protect all your data correctly and in line with applicable laws on data protection and privacy.


Who will GoStudent share my data with?

Data will be reported annually to the Austrian tax authorities and exchanged automatically with competent tax authorities of other EU member states.


If I stop tutoring via the GoStudent platform - will my data still be shared?

GoStudent is required to collect and report tax information of all individuals and business entities who provide tutoring services via the GoStudent platform and are tax residents in the EU in a given calendar year. If you stop tutoring via the GoStudent platform, tax information related to your active period on the platform will still be shared with tax authorities.


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